I have not posted a lot, but I wanted to spread the word regarding assistance for an IF community member. Pinkunz is a huge part of the intfiction.org community forums, and he was involved in an accident with a snowplow several days ago. He's laid up in the hospital undergoing multiple surgeries and he and his wife would benefit from any support you can give. If you can't help monetarily, even boosting their GoFundMe in your social community is a big help! Forum GoFundMe Announcement: https://intfiction.org/t/gofundme-link-to-help-pinkunz-and-family-after-traffic-accident/66653?u=hanono Initial post with news, updates, and well-wishes: https://intfiction.org/t/urgent-help-needed-from-pinkunz-serious-car-accident-phone-borrowed-for-op/66606?u=hanono Direct Link to GoFundMe https://gofund.me/64031744